Shoulder Pain
The shoulder provides mobility for most all arm and hand movements while also operating and stabilizing any pulling, pushing or lifting actions. Naturally, the joint itself is unstable to allow for such movement to occur. This can lead to muscle injuries, "wear and tear" to the joint cartilage and overuse injuries.
Dr. Andrew Wengert is trained in the most advanced conservative treatments for correcting problems in the muscles and joints, and offers the clinical excellence you need to recover.
Common Problems
- Rotator Cuff Tears
- Labrum Tears
- Herniated Disc
- Limited Mobility
- Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder)
- Impingement
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Pain in the arm, specifically the bicep/tricep region is a common location for referred pain from the shoulder joint.
If you get shoulder pain with the snatch and overhead squat but not with the jerk and the press you need to check your ankle and hip mobility.
The standard of care for shoulder pain addresses symptoms and not function. This video explains why this is not a long term solution.